Quantum Federation


Recruiting True

The Quantum Federation is a group of planets and factions that have joined together to share knowledge and technology, using their collective expertise to advance the science and technology of the galaxy.



Possessing a high level of intelligence and analytical ability. Sometimes skilled in a wide range of fields, including science, technology, and engineering. Often have a strong curiosity and a desire to understand the mysteries of the universe.


Dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding through research and experimentation. Often have a strong focus on scientific and technological development, and may be willing to take risks and explore new ideas in order to make progress.


Known for their ability to work well with others. Sometimes willing to share resources, knowledge, and expertise in order to achieve common goals. Often have a strong sense of community and cooperation, and may prioritize the needs of the group over those of the individual.


Open to new ideas and change. Sometimes willing to embrace new technologies and ways of thinking, and may prioritize the advancement of knowledge and understanding over tradition and established ways of doing things.